Saturday, February 2, 2013

I'm ALWAYS in Woodward Hall or Burson

The other day in class we read the poem Schoolsville by Billy Collins. In the poem Collins talks about his reflections of his days teaching. I’m going to take you guys through my thinking when reading this poem…

I feel like I never get or notice what I’m “suppose” to when it comes to poetry. There always seems to be one line in every poem that makes me think of things that would be a bit of a stretch for anyone else. In this poem the line was, “All the creative-writing students recline on the courthouse lawn and play the lute.”

This made me think of identity, and how I’ve always thought that you can usually tell a lot about a person by knowing where they spend most of their time.  I then thought about where I spend most of my time at school, and sadly enough it’s in the two academic buildings, Burson and Woodward Hall. This was a really unhappy realization to come to. But on the bright side, I think it changed my previous opinion about being able to know someone based on where they spend their time. Yes, I’ve been in those buildings way too many hours, but they don’t even come close to revealing too much of anything about me.  Maybe it would be better to base something on where people hang out for leisure but I'm not sure :)

Here’s what I wrote in my daybook…
I feel like im always in Woodward Hall or Burson. I would overwhelm myself if I tried to count up the hours that I have been in those sometimes dreaded buildings. I’m surprised that Burson hasn’t started charging me rent; I’m there more than I am home. 


  1. I would get tired of being in the same building over and over. Sick! Bored! But I read that you were able to capture the principle to identify someone based on how much they spend somewhere. That's pretty darn awesome to use "Schoolville" in relating back to your identity. I guess Burson is a second home to you now.

  2. Woodard and Burson are science buildings right? When you said you are in there numerous hours I would think of your identity as a hard worker.

  3. yea I also dont think that spending your time doing something or being in a certain class makes you more of a person or changes who you are, Bill Gates dropped out of collage and probably never even took creative writing classes, look where he is now.
