Friday, November 30, 2012

Reflective Blog Post on Literacy Narrative

What it was like for you to figure out what to write about.
Like most writing assignments I’ve ever done the process of deciding what to write about and where to begin is a random one. A lot of times I’ll think of a few things in the moment and then change it later on as a random idea pops into my head. I knew that I wanted to go into the direction of my childhood because I figured it would be pretty easy, and I loved reading when I was a kid. My initial though was to talk about when my mom would read Dr. Seuss books to me when I was younger. But I eventually decided to focus on a story that dealt with school because I felt that a school environment could be more dynamic and entertaining than my former pre-bedtime routine.
I’m truly scattered and unorganized when it comes to revision. I guess I just like to let things happen and not put too much thought into them. I started with a wide variety of ideas which included:
·         Learning how to read and write
·         Writing short stories in school
·         Childhood diary
·         Story time in elementary school
·         When my mom would read to me
·         Reading short novels like the Junie B. Jones collection
·         How AP classes helped my writing process
·         Somehow i was also thinking of incorporating the idea of the internet in this project….I’m not sure what I was thinking there

What it was like for you to revise your work.
Like I mentioned before, I went with a topic from my childhood in the school setting.  So I knew that I wanted to write about story time but I had no idea how. Lacy gave me some advice to try to put the readers in the moment with me as a child at story time in order to see what it was like from my childhood perspective. I really liked this idea so I decided to go with it.

Prior to our first draft being due, on October 4th we had a homework assignment to try out different techniques with our work. I tried to revise my work by reading it backwards…my narrative made little sense already, and this only made things worse. I then tried to write several different leads or catch beginnings…this was okay, but I still didn’t like anything well enough to incorporate it into my first draft.  I then tried to examine the use of my verbs and I didn’t find this very beneficial since it was a story set in the past. So in all, my revision process was a bust!

We also, had to write different styles of our narratives but they all were too weird for my liking. Even when writing simple drafts in my day book, they all seemed to be lacking and it was just becoming a narrative. I really had no idea what to do about it, so I just kept it for the time being even though it really frustrated me. However, when I started typing up my first literacy narrative draft I had the idea to include little bits of what my thoughts would have been in that moment. I think that it was a bit unorganized and didn’t make too much sense until you were able to realize that, but I kind of liked doing it and it made it a little fun.  

What it was like for you to edit your work (include here the editing goal(s) you came up with in class.
My editing process wasn’t much better. When Lacy told us to write goals for this project, I was a little stumped so I put down standardized goals for any project. I just wanted to get a good grade, get it done, and make it interesting. For my first draft I added some more detail and thought segments. I still wasn’t 100% happy with the turn out but I submitted it anyway.
For my final draft I wanted to try something different. I liked the inserts I did with my thoughts and wanted to try and incorporate that again, but in a different scenario or in a new way.  I worked on it over our Thanksgiving break and most of my revision process took place on the computer. I typed random thoughts and starting points, and deleted most of them very quickly. The first day of doing this I quit because I couldn’t think of any ideas that I really liked. Throughout the day I continued to think on it and I decided that it might be cool to write about my position on literacy now, and try to display the contrast of my feelings of literacy between my pre-adulthood and adolescent years.
I loved this idea because this project really helped me realize this contrast because it forced me to think and remember how much literacy meant to me as a child. I decided to put this story in my more current classroom setting of English class to keep that sort of theme common between my two narratives.
So with that topic I began, I tried to incorporate the thought process again, but it didn’t seem to work as well in a story that was in present tense.  I played around with it for a little while and decided to put in inserts of writing in my day book instead.  This seemed to work pretty well at portraying my thoughts like I did in the first draft.  Towards the end of my paper I decided to insert a reflection of the contrast of these two time periods for me.

What else do you want to say about this assignment?
This project was overall, pretty interesting. Like I mentioned earlier, it made me realize things that I has forgotten or never put too much though into before. It was a whole new experience to experiment with different ways of writing a paper. It really challenged me to think and be creative. 

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