Saturday, September 22, 2012

Where did our creativity go-September 22, 2012

In class on Tuesday we watched a short video on creativity. It was called Creativity requires TIME 

The video got me thinking about a conversation I recently had with one of my teachers. He seems to think that most college kids are completely lacking in creativity. He references the younger years when we could just get some crayons and draw a picture. If we were to do that now, it would most likely take much longer because it wouldn't look right, we would need to start over, or we wouldn't want to because we have better things to do.

The video we watched had the idea that if given more time, there's more time to let creativity flourish. 

I agree with what my teacher was saying, which makes me think the opposite of the message the video displayed. We've had a lot of time to grow, mature, get new creative ideas, etc. However, we're less creative and more limited than we were as is time really the answer to the lack of creativity? 

Kid's drawing:

I think that as kids we were free. No one was going to tell us that our stick figures sucked and looked like crap because we were kids. If I still drew the same pictures and was all excited and confident like I was when I did anything like that as a kid...everyone would think I was crazy! Now we have expectations. I think that, more than anything limits our creativity now....What do you think?


  1. I have been thinking about this a lot lately! It seems like as we get older we become less creative and lose our freedom in just being ourselves! Think about in earlier days in life, you could do something that we think of as completely embarrasing now but back then it would have been okay! I just think in our coming of age we kind of lose who we really are, and the things that made us happy!

  2. I don't think we lose our creativeness as we grow up. I think we just find different, more mature ways of expressing our creativity. No one would call an adult who drew a kindergarten style rainbow creative. So as we grow we learn to put our creativity to different uses. You probably used your creativity to help you decorate your dorm room, and when you start a career you will use your creativity there!
    But that's just my opinion.

  3. Maybe we aren't less creative, but we care too much about what others think that lessen our desire to be creative. So yes, I agree that if no one judged and critiqued our every move, we would still have a free spirited, imaginative, and child-like view on creativity.

  4. This question (loved that you ended with a question) about expectations has me thinking of more questions. Where do expectations come from? How do we experience expectations? How do we know they are there when they aren't explicitly stated? How do we know when they change? Are they different for different people?

  5. Hey Kristen,
    I completely agree with you I do think our creativity improves with time. I am not at all what I would call creativity but I do think I am a lot more creative now than when I was drawing stick figures in kindergarden, good point!

  6. That is very insight into the video that I did not think of before. I never thought of the fact that we are less creative than we were children. I pose a question to you though. Do you think that we are less creative or just more concerned with our own work and also what others think of it. I agree that we are not as creative, but I do not think that is because we are just not creative. I attribute it to a lack of effort, time, or hard work. I find that when I am trying to make a last minute deadline that I cut way too many corners, and my work is not as good as it should have been if I took the time on it.

  7. When I first watched this video I didn't think about it in this perspective but after reading this is made me think differently. I have definitely become more creative as I have gotten older. I am definitely critical of myself and have to redo everything about a hundred times. I think that if I have enough time I can get it done the way that I like it, but I just need the time.

  8. This is such great thinking! I personally agree that over time we slowly lose our creativity. Maybe not the actually ability, but the drive and excitement to create new things. As an art student, I have always loved drawing since I was young, but as I got older I slowly lost interest. Ideas don't come naturally to me anymore, I have to have someone give me an idea before I can begin. When i was younger I could draw anything and feel so accomplished and creative. I agree with what you're saying, that society has set such high expectations that most people feel like they can't measure up, so they give up the things that make them happy.
