Saturday, September 29, 2012

Middle School "Revision" Days-September 30,2012

 Writing into the day for Thursday's class involved reading a short piece from Katherine Bomer called Writing a Life. She talks about revision, and using it in a large context. She believes that revision opens up our minds to greater possibilities

It's interesting to think about how much "revision" we experience in our lives, and what prompts us to go through revision.

I think that the biggest time period of revision that I went through was in middle school. Haha..back then I'm sure that I was the most awkward kid alive. Looking back, it's pretty embarrassing haha.  Middle school was that time of figuring out where to fit in and who you want to be essentially. For me, I think that process involved molding myself into every group there was until I just decided to be me and do things that I like. It's crazy how I would make myself change so much just because I would see other people that were always seeming to have fun who acted like that. All I can say now is that I'm so thankful that I'm no longer in that stage!


  1. I'll agree with you on the Middle School comments. When I was in middle school if you didn't dress a certain way or do certain things nobody wanted to hang out with you. By the time I was in 8th grade I had friends from kids who wore skinny jeans to really preppy guys. I tried to be friends with everyone! My little sister is in the 7th grade and this made me think about her. I hope she's finding herself in middle school. Cool blog!

  2. I totally agree that middle school was the biggest period of revision in our lives. Who I was in 6th grade was completely different than who I was in 8th grade. I didn't even come close to figuring out who I was until high school, but I definitely went through the most change in middle school. It was rough haha

  3. You could have not been the most awkward person because I'm pretty sure that award goes to me haha…But anyway, I really like how you connected "revision" not only to writing but revising ourselves. So creative! I love it!

  4. I like the connection you made to the idea of revising ourselves. This piece has caused me to think about how we revise many decisions we make outside of writing, but I didn't notice the idea of how people revise themselves all the time.

  5. I think revision is important to making ourselves better. When we revise we catch mistakes that could have easily been over looked, which is why I think revision is important. I completely agree with you!

  6. We have to learn from our enviorment and by making revisions. And I agree with everyone else, it's important.

  7. You have one of the coolest blogs I've seen so far, you really took some time to create this page. Now to the response, I agree with your idea of "finding ourselves" in middle school. However, I believe that it extends beyond middle school, even into college. I like where you took this writting into the day, it displays a lot of creativity.

  8. I really like the way you are thinking broadly about revision here. I have been spending some time in the last few years working with middle school teachers and students, and I really get what you are saying here.
