Monday, April 15, 2013

Mini Project-3

Yay! Third Mini Project! 

Inspiration for the media type to utilize for this video came from a vlogger that I follow, Jenna Marbles. In a recent video she "drew her life". I really liked how she was able to use pictures to get her story across in a more meaningful way. I though that it would be a neat way of voicing peoples thoughts, as opposed to just the normal interview.

In my last video, I interviewed 3 girls on their views on gender discrimination. One girl, Bristol Weekly, was an engineer major. She talked about her experiences where she felt belittled by her own professors at UNCC. This got me really interested in the engineering department, not to bash on the department in any means but because of the low ratio of girls to guys. 

I was also, interested in what guys thought about this topic because almost all of the "academia" sources that I've been using for this project, have only been addressing females experiences, opinions, and views. I don't know why that is, but I knew that I didn't want that to be true for my project.

For this video I interviewed two males at UNCC who are studying engineering. They shared experiences of both in, and outside of the classroom. 

It was really interesting to me to see that it's not only girls noticing a gender bias. They both shared personal experiences with me in times that they witnessed these things. 

Do I think gender bias is a big deal? No...I still don't believe so. It is, however like I said before interesting to me that it does subliminally still occur and both genders are taking notice of it. 

Enjoy :) 


  1. I was going to do the same project! Im just playing. The second guy you interviewed sounds like a cool guy. I like how he gave such strong description about your topic. HA! Seriously, I like the fact that you used a drawing book and basically time-lined it the whole way. Way to go!


  2. Kristen I like your idea and I enjoyed watching your video.

  3. I liked how you related your past experience with your 8th grade teacher to your gender role project.

  4. Your approach to this project is so unique, something that I haven't seen yet. I thought your choice to illustrate images within your video was simple yet powerful! Is gender discrimination as prevalent as it once was? Definitely not. Or maybe we've simply constructed nuances that make them less noticeable...
    Great Job!!

  5. I like how you wrote this out and taped you doing it. It was a really cool idea! I like the images.

  6. You did a great job on this video. I liked how you talked over the writing and expanded your ideas. I thought it was very effective. Good Job!
