Thursday, September 6, 2012

Childhood Memory :) September 6, 2012

So, today we did our writing into the day on this typewriter video-I can't find it on youtube to post a link, sorry (:. I didn't really get any deep meaning out of fact, I didn't really understand it. However, it reminded me of when I was a little girl. My Grandma had a typewriter similar to the one in the video. It brought me back to all of those memories of me sitting there typing away. For the most part, I would never type anything sensible, it was mostly gibberish but it meant more to me than that. It made me feel like a little adult and I was positive that I was acting out exactly how my life would be when I grew up...thank God technology has updated from typewriters. I'm really glad that adulthood isn't like that now  
Anyways, that was one of my childhood memories, feel free to comment with one of yours :) 


  1. I didn't really understand the video either but my childhood experience was kind of different! I had never really seen a typewriter being used before! I knew how they worked kind of but not really! So thats one thing I got out the video, how to use a typewriter!

  2. I actually have a similar childhood memory! My mother is a secretary at a high school, and she has always had this big typewriter sitting behind her desk, it's more modern than the one in the video though. But every summer when I was little I would have to go to work with her a few days a week and I would almost always play with the type writer. I would write stupid little stories or just hit buttons haha it was really fun when I was 5.

  3. You have me thinking about the first word processing typewriter that my sister got when she was in the 9th grade, I think. It was like an electric typewriter but it had this little tiny screen that could fit maybe a sentence or two, so that she could change things at least on that part before it typed it out. Really interesting how typewriters might shape the writing we do on them.

  4. I think typewriters are cool. I like old stuff like that, but it probably wouldn't be my first choice for efficient writing. I'm very happy that we upgraded as well.

  5. Typewriters would be a pain to have in today's society. I'm very happy we have new and improved technology that corrects our spelling and grammar for us. Older generations might think we're "lazy" but I consider it to be using my advantages:)

  6. My grandma had a typewriter too! i can remember going over to grandmas house and asking her to get out the typewriter just i could play around on it. i thought it was really cool even though it was old, my grandma used to tell me how she had to write all her papers either by pen and pencil or by typewriter.

  7. I like your last point about how you say thank god technology has updated. I think its not just with type writers but with everything. Growing up we have probably seen so much more technological changes than our parents saw when they were our age.

  8. I never used a trype writer! But it's pretty cool to sit back and reminice on how life as kid once was. The shows we watched, the things we read, the food we ate.....good stuff. Good times.
