Thursday, August 30, 2012

Are we that different after all? August 30, 2012

The writing into the day that we did as a class on the Langston Hughes' poem was the most interesting for me.  The poem got me thinking a lot about the differences that we share, in general.  It made me more aware of the fact that most of us are afraid of differences. I was pretty much all over the place when I was attempting to write about it:  

As noted in the poem, there is still an underlying string that ties us all together—the fact that we’re American, or human to be more general.  However, that provoked the thought in me that we usually shy away from different people who may have any similarities that would go deeper than that. 

Some people think that they are generally accepting of differences (myself included). But to say that is to at least note that we’re aware of certain differences. If we were that accepting would we notice them at all? It seems to me that if we truly didn’t see variations among us as strange or whatever you want to call it, then we wouldn’t even take a mental note of it. I’m not sure if I’m even making sense at this point….probably not. Oh well, I guess that’s what these assignments are partially about.   


  1. I agree with how you interpreted the passage! I agree with the fact that we're all human is one thing that underlyingly connects us to each other! People are afraid of differences and it is obvious in today's world but I agree with us all being connected in one major way!

  2. We just watched a documentary in Sociology that is about how all people are connected. It says that no matter where a person lives, no matter what culture difference you might have, people are people and we all have the same human nature. I thought that was pretty cool that in literature, the same ideas are shared.

    Oh, and I really like your layout/color scheme of your blog!

  3. I completely agree with you saying that we are all connected in some way. I think that if people are given a reason to come together they will no matter race, religion, gender, ect.I also agree with what you said about people being scared of our differences, people are most comfortable with people like themselves.

  4. Kristen, you have a great conversation started here! I have been inquiring into the idea of difference lately. Something I have been thinking about is the usefulness is seeing both how all people are connected to each other AND honoring and valuing differences between people and groups. Our (American, Western, etc) culture has an underlying kind of subconscious thing that difference is bad and should be erased or turned into hierarchy. I think there is value in difference... it gives us a chance to think of the world newly.
