Sunday, October 14, 2012

The joys of grammar....

In class on Thursday we talked about grammar. When I get any paper back from an English class half of my points off are ALWAYS for grammar. So of course, I get a little annoyed and question the significance of grammar. However, when thinking about it in class I realized that there are certain grammatical errors that I can't stand! I thought I would use this blog to talk about them. :)

When someone can not use the correct forms of your and you're:
Knowing the difference between too, to, and two:

When someone has to go out of their way to misspell something: 

I don't mind a misspelled word that much, but this shows that it can be pretty important: 

Maybe grammar is more important than I give it credit for. When it comes to myself...I couldn't care less about it! but as soon as I see a silly mistake from anyone's suddenly some big thing that bothers me. Does any one else have any grammatical pet peeves? 


  1. I could not agree more on the "your and you're" and the "to, too, two" and the "their, there, and they're". They drive me crazy. I also can't stand misspelling a word because that might be how the person says it. Like I know a lot of people with a southern accent that will spell "want" as "won't"…I can not bare it. AHHH

  2. Hahaha, the last picture is hilarious! I agree completely when it comes to grammar. I always thought it was important because it saves us from making giant fools of ourselves! Grammar does get pretty irritating though, especially when you just want to vent and write!

  3. The texting thing is the worst for me! I absolutely HATE when people text like that so I always try to make sure mine are perfect. I also really hate the abbreviations like LOL. In general I guess I don't like texting haha
