Sunday, March 24, 2013

Forestview High School Day

So the other day we met some Forest view high school seniors and talked about what influences us most in life. We had to draw this in some sort of diagram and this is what my group came up with...

We mostly talked about popular culture, and its effect on our daily lives. Most of us are constantly wrapped up in some form of technology or social media that connects us to the rest of the world. I know that most people feel lost without their phone in hand. It's something we always have that gives us access to bascially everything. Therefore, I think it has the most impact in shaping us into who we are.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Inquiry Project

So... since we didn't have class last Wednesday I decided to go ahead and tell you guys what I plan to write about for mine. Please give me some feedback, good or bad!

This semester two things that have stuck with me that we've discussed was how gender is displayed in popular culture and different ways of learning. I wanted to take those two ideas and go in a new direction with them..

i was thinking about looking at how gender plays a role in learning for both students and teachers. Also, the different limitations and advantages each gender holds in the areas of learning.