I’ve really been trying to wrap my head around this whole
connection between video games and learning…and to be honest I’m just not
really getting it.
I’m just picturing a semi-fun and challenging game but then
you get to this road block and it tells you to solve an impossible calculus
problem to continue. I don’t know about you guys, but that would just frustrate
me enough to quit.
Also, usually if I know something is educational going into
it, I usually write it off as dumb and a waste of time before I begin.
Games are always being manipulated and different versions
come out rather frequently…but in my opinion, things are being discovered and
new theories come into the world at a much faster rate. I just don’t see how a
game could keep up.
I get the use of technology in the classroom; I just don’t get
the whole game thing. If someone wants to try to explain this to me you’re more
than welcome to!