Sunday, January 27, 2013

Gaming and Education?

I’ve really been trying to wrap my head around this whole connection between video games and learning…and to be honest I’m just not really getting it.

I’m just picturing a semi-fun and challenging game but then you get to this road block and it tells you to solve an impossible calculus problem to continue. I don’t know about you guys, but that would just frustrate me enough to quit.

Also, usually if I know something is educational going into it, I usually write it off as dumb and a waste of time before I begin.

Games are always being manipulated and different versions come out rather frequently…but in my opinion, things are being discovered and new theories come into the world at a much faster rate. I just don’t see how a game could keep up.

I get the use of technology in the classroom; I just don’t get the whole game thing. If someone wants to try to explain this to me you’re more than welcome to! 

Sunday, January 20, 2013

I want to invent something!

So….I haven’t felt too inspired by this week’s main topic about relating games to learning. I don’t know. I’m not too much of a “gamer”, so I can’t relate that much. So this blog will probably be a little all over the place.

Since it’s a new semester I’ll introduce myself a little. I’m Kristen :) I’m a bio major, I love doing anything outdoors like hiking or biking. I’m really easy-going, and that’s pretty much me.

This is how I decorated my day book…it’s just a lot of pictures of some friends.

We did a Writing into the Day this week on Monday called, We are Makers, by Dale Dougherty via TED. Here's my writing on it...

He talked about how we’re creatures with the need to make. It got me thinking about inventions and how I’ve always wanted to invent something and make millions. Sadly, that hasn’t happened yet and I’m still waiting for that million dollar idea to hit me in the head. I think it’s really neat how people can have the seemingly stupid idea of a blanket with sleeves and somehow make money on that. 

I can have major ADD when it comes to having a computer in front of me...So I googled some inventions due to curiosity and I decided to add some that I thought were funny. Enjoy :) 

Because using a knife to spread your butter is too hard these days...

For beginners in make-up...

A result of some great parenting...

This would make me feel lonelier than going to bed by myself...